Configure Employees in EMC – Simphony Version 19

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How to add Employees in EMC in Micros Simphony?

Before we proceed any further, I need to clarify that there are two ways to add employees in Micros Simphony, depending on your configuration:

  1. Adding Employees in EMC – used when Simphony Labor is not active
  2. Adding Employees in R&A – used when Simphony Labor is active.

Simphony Labor is an optional module used by some restaurants to record employee time clocks and set up schedules. Most restaurants prefer to use a different system for employee clock-ins and outs, so we enter our employees in EMC directly, and that is the method I cover today in this blog post. 

If you use Simphony Labor and are adding your employees in the Reporting and Analytics portal (in the browser), follow along, as most of these concepts will still apply to you, especially regarding Roles, Employee Classes, and Security. 

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Configuration Steps

Before we start adding employees, there are several other modules we need to configure. Most likely, you already have these modules added to your system, but it’s important for you to double-check the configuration for security purposes and make sure employees don’t have access to something they are not supposed to.

1. Employee Roles

The employee Roles is an Enterprise Level module that determines the level of access an employee has both in the front of the house (at the workstation) and EMC. 

Employee roles is a very large module, with many option bits available, and you will need to go through them and select and de-select them as needed. 

To open the Roles module, select the Enterprise level, Configuration tab -> Roles.

Roles - General Tab

Employees in EMC

In the General tab, we can configure the Role Name and EMC Control Level. The control level is an important security feature to prevent system misuse. Levels go from 0 to 9, with zero being the highest visibility and nine the lowest. The Super Role users should have visibility zero (see everyone), while GMs and Managers can have one, Supervisors can have two, and everyone else can have anything larger than two. 

This will prevent a supervisor from removing access from a General Manager and a Manager removing access from a System Administrator with a SuperRole. 

Roles - EMC Modules

The EMC Modules tab controllers what each employee role can view, edit, add and delete in EMC. This access should be granted only to employees who work in EMC, such as Managers and System administrators. 

For each EMC module listed in the File column, select the level of access each employee should have.


  • Managers can View, Edit, Add, Delete and Override all Menu Items.
  • Supervisors can only View and Edit Price Records.

Roles - Actions

The Actions tab contains check boxes for different actions that can be performed in EMC and at the Workstation. You can choose the first box, which grants access to all actions or select them individually based on the employee role. 

Some examples include distribution, remote distribution, workstation status/control, and viewing and deleting employee IDs. 

Roles - Operations

The operations tab is the biggest one in the roles module and containers several other sub-tabs, each responsible for a different section in the front-of-house operations. 

I highly suggest going through all the options bits and checking them, especially for the servers and bartenders, to ensure there are no privileges that were granted by mistake. 

There is also a search feature that can be very helpful if you know what you are looking for, as there are many options bits in the module. There are option bits here for everything from being allowed to open a check to voiding and taking payments.

Some of the most important side tabs to check are Guest Checks, Void/Returns, and Transactions. 

Roles - Visibility, View, Fields

The last three tabs are used for a more granular level of EMC security. 

The Visibility tab can help limit EMC visibility to only a specific restaurant or even just a specific RVC. 

The View tab allows you to turn on RVC-level security, where employees are only allowed to perform tasks in their assigned RVC. So a bar manager cannot perform manager operations on a Restaurant check. 

The Fields tab allows more granular control over editing menu item fields. For example, a Restaurant Manager might be allowed to Edit the Master, Definitions, and Price tab, but you don’t want Major Group and Family Group of items to be changed, and you can limit their access to those specific fields in this tab. 

For more Free Content on other Simphony modules, also check out our Complete Micros Training.

2. Employee Classes

Employee Classes is a property-level module that helps control certain front-of-house operation tasks, such as requiring employees to enter the number of guests and a table number before starting a new check.

Employee Classes - General Tab

In the general tab, we can control the number of hours before Over Time, ISL access for any custom programming, default touchscreens (used for employees in training), and cash management accounting methods (if Cash Management is enabled). 

Employee Classes - Operator Options

In the Operator Options, we can control the Operator Type used for printing (on demand or by round), and there are several options bits available for each RVC. Some of the most important options bits are 

  • #1 – Table Number Required
  • #2 – Number of Guests Required
  • #8 – Popup Operator/StayDown Operator (check this option bit to cause the employees to exit to the main sign-in screen)

3. Adding an new Employee in EMC

We can add a new employee in EMC by using the Employee Maintenance module, which can be found at all levels in Simphony in the Configuration Tab. I recommended opening it at the enterprise level so you have access to all the fields needed. 

The easiest way to add a new employee to the system is by using an existing employee with the same role as a template.

In this example, I will be adding Mike K as a restaurant manager. 

Inserting a new Record

I will select an existing Restaurant Manager as my template, and then press the insert key on the top bar. 

Select the task to perform, “Add employee Record from Template” (again, please ensure you selected a proper template, manager for managers, bartender for bartenders, and so on).

Enter the New Employees first name, Last name, and Check name (an abbreviation or nickname). 

Click ok and confirm to add the new employee. 

Employee Maintenance - General Tab

Now that the new employee has been added open their record in Form view so we can add more details. 

In the General Tab, we can add their

  • Payroll ID,
  • ID (micros number; leave black if using an employee card, we will add it later at the workstation)
  • Alternate ID – used for PMC procedures
  • PIN 
  • Information Lines
  • EMC Login (only for managers that need EMC access)
  • Password – enter a default password, which they will have to change at first login
  • Email – used to reset their password if forgotten
  • Local

Employee Maintenance - Roles Tab

In the roles tab, we can confirm the role of the employee and the EMC visibility (if needed). You can give employees EMC visibility to the enterprise, just a property or just a single RVC. 

Employee Maintenance - Reporting Tab

If the employee needs access to the Reporting and Analytics portal, we can activate their access here. They will use the same credentials as EMC.

Check the Active Box, then enter their Last Name, First Name, and Display Name.

In the User Settings area, assign them a Role (for R&A), time zone, and Org Level (entire enterprise or just one property). 

Employee Maintenance - Property Settings

Configure the property settings by selecting the property name for the list above.

In the General Property setting, we set the employee class and default revenue center. 

Employee Maintenance - Operator Records

Operator records are an essential field needed in order for employees to sign in to RVCs. Employees can only sign in to RVCs if they are listed here. Add more if needed.

There are a few other options here, such as the number of cash drawers the employee can use (needed for all employees using cash drawers, such as bartenders and cashiers).

4. Deleting an Employee in EMC

When an employee stops working for the restaurant, we need to remove their access to the system. We do this by deleting their employee record. 

This action doesn’t actually delete the record completely, a more accurate description would be “inactivate.” The sales history of the employee is still in the system. 

In order to inactivate an employee, right-click the rectangle next to the name and select Delete. 

IMPORTANT: If an employee leaves and another takes their place, do not just change the name of the exiting employee, it will cause Reporting Issues. Delete the old employee and add the new one.

The employee can also be re-activated at a later time if needed. Simply check the box to “View Deleted Employees,” click the search button and locate the employee name. 

Then, Right-click the rectangle next to their name and select Reactivate. 

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Video Version

Adding Employees in EMC

I hope you enjoyed my article on adding and removing employees in EMC and it helps you the next time you need to perform employee maintenance in EMC. 

And now it’s your turn!

  • Do you have any other questions on employee maintenance in EMC?
  • How many employee types do you have configured in your system? 
  • Let me know in the comments below!

18 thoughts on “Configure Employees in EMC – Simphony Version 19”

  1. Avatar


    We use your Micros Simphony EMC (updated version) at my job. My boss added a bunch of employees but now they don’t show up in my employee records. They just show 2 Employees. I go to add everybody else again and it says “This record already exists” but I can’t figure out WHERE it exists. If you could help me I would be forever grateful.

    Thank you,

    Kayli Gordon

    1. Avatar

      Hey Kalyli,
      The issue is that your boss added them with the same or higher privilege level than you. As your boss to change your employee record to be the same as his.
      You can do this EMC, go to the Employee Maintenance tab, select your record, and change the level in the general to be the same as his. (0 is the highest one by the way, with that you can see everyone).

  2. Avatar

    Report Tab is greyed out for me for all employees. I have super user role. Some employees have this tab completely filled out, while others do not. I need to activate one manager to do reporting, but I cannot. Any ideas?

    1. Avatar

      Is this on the WorkStation or Reporting and Analytics?
      If on the workstation, check the Role and see which reports are enables. Also ensure the “Run Reports for other people” box is checked.
      Even with Super Role, not all options are checked in Roles, you have to look in EMC.

  3. Avatar

    Good evening,
    My name is Novita, please kindly help me to get a summary report based on monthly sales trough the EMC.

    Thank you and God bless.

  4. Avatar


    I’m new to EMC please could you explain me how to change the access for existing employees as some of them cant able to close the cheques and some can only have access to only 1 revenue centre .

    Many thanks

  5. Avatar

    every time in video you sign in with number “1” or “2”
    is this a default numbers?
    could you explain first time out of box micros simphony sign-in process defaults? or how to create the first user.

    1. Avatar

      1 and 2 are not default numbers, I just added them there for ease of use and testing. I dont recommend using something like this in real environments.
      There are no “defaults”. Out of the box, the system comes with only one user name and no number to sign in.

  6. Avatar

    We added and then deleted new employees, However we need to reinstate them. When trying to make a new account for them it states “The selected employee number already exists”. I try to go into search bar and check “view deleted employees” but it does not let me check that. Is there another way I can reinstate deleted employees?

    1. Avatar

      The way you are doing it is correct, you have to select “view deleted employees” and re-instate them that way. Your issue is the role. You need more access to view all the employees. Ask the IT team to increase your system access.

  7. Avatar

    Hello, my name is Michael, how do i disable Labor Management? I can only handle it from there, but for me it’s tedious…

    1. Avatar

      You can do it from EMC, there is an “Enable Enterprise My Labor” button in Enterprise Configuration, but make sure you do it when the restaurant is closed and double check everything. You wont be able to use the Time Clock and other functions anymore.

  8. Avatar

    When I go to add a new employee using the template of an existing employee, the fields in the pop up box are gray and will not let me type or click anything.
    Why is this? I used to be able to add employees exactly as you describe.

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